In the spirit of the 20th anniversary of the comedy film “Freaky Friday,” Chad Michael Murray reminisced about a memorable scene that caused quite a stir in a quiet neighborhood. In the movie, Murray played Jake, a high schooler who develops feelings for his crush’s mother, who happens to be his crush Anna trapped in her mother’s body. In one scene, Murray’s character serenades Anna’s mother with Britney Spears’ “Baby One More Time,” which was not initially part of the script. The director, Mark Waters, had sent the scene to Murray the night before filming, drawing inspiration from John Cusack’s boombox serenade in “Say Anything.” Even though Murray admitted he wasn’t a singer, Waters encouraged him, and the scene was shot in a neighborhood where residents were fast asleep. Murray expressed empathy for the unsuspecting neighbors who were startled by the lights and his enthusiastic belting of the pop hit late into the night. The song choice was a nod to an earlier scene at a coffee shop where Curtis and Murray’s characters share a flirtatious interaction, bonding over their love for the song. Murray, who was relatively new in the industry at the time, felt nervous but grateful for Curtis’ support during the coffee shop scene. “Freaky Friday” is a remake of a 1976 comedy, based on Mary Rodgers’ novel from 1972. Disney has confirmed that a sequel to the 2003 version is currently in the works, with both Curtis and Lohan expected to reprise their roles. However, the production has been affected by the ongoing contract dispute between writers and producers. Curtis emphasized the importance of writers being fairly compensated and protected, stating that until this issue is resolved, details about the sequel remain under wraps.