Renowned film director William Friedkin, known for iconic movies The French Connection and The Exorcist, passes away at age 87.
William Friedkin, the renowned director of The French Connection and The Exorcist, passed away on Monday at the age of 87. Friedkin died in Los Angeles due to heart failure and pneumonia, as confirmed by EW. He was an influential figure in the New Hollywood movement of the 1970s, along Continue Reading
Linda Blair, from The Exorcist, honors William Friedkin as a ‘director, friend, and protector’
Actress Linda Blair has expressed her heartfelt tribute to the late filmmaker William Friedkin, whom she referred to as not only her director but also her friend and protector. At a young age, Blair delivered an incredibly chilling performance as the possessed character Regan MacNeil in Friedkin’s iconic horror film, Continue Reading